Today we went to El Potrillo de la Sandia for lunch after church. Or "The Watermelon Pony," for all you gringos. We watched a guy catch cheese on fire and roll it up in some tortillas. Then I ate a little puff filled with chicken. Overall, it was a nice experience. I also ate a tamale.
Then the waiter asked if I wanted desert. I said no. I think he took offense.
Perhaps the climax to my adventure was when I left to wash my hands in the restroom. First, the water came out at a much quicker pace than I had anticipated. It splashed all over the mirror and some on my shirt, which was already blue anyway, so I figured it didn't really matter. Then I jumped for the paper towel dispenser to wipe up my mess. The towel that I pulled did not detatch like the step-by-step-picture showed that it would. Instead, a string of five more towels swiftly came out as well, and I tried to wind them around my arm to break them off. I heard the footsteps coming from the hallway and sprang for the faucet, which was still sputtering out high-pressure water onto the sink and countertop. The bathroom door swung open unsteadily just in time for me to make my final movement toward a hole cut in the marble countertop. I was pretty sure it was a hole for trash, but I couldn't see the can... The door was nearly open. It was a risk I had to take. I tucked the wad of paper into the hole in a frantic manner as a lady in high heels appeared in the mirror behind me. She pulled out a tube of lipstick and gave me a quick look before slicking it onto her cherry red lips. I smoothed my blue shirt and cleared my throat uncomfortably. I sniffed and exited before any awkward small talk could start up. On the way out, a man was pushing a trash can into the "employees only" door. Too bad for him, though, because my door opened right in front of his. We shifted directions several times before I ducked out behind him and went back to my table. It was a special moment.
On my way out the door I got a peppermint out of the big bowl. I tried for about a minute and a half to unwrap it with my teeth. Disgruntled that I could not achieve my goal, I used my other hand. It was such a trouble.
All in all, it was a successfull lunch.
I might even go back there some time.
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