Thursday, July 24, 2008


Okay so here's how this next bit is going to work:

I need you all to tell me what you want to hear in my next blog. It's all up to you now.

Also, if you can think of a word to rhyme with lemon, that would be much appreciated.

word of the day: reach

you know what would be cool? if every day that you read my word of the day, you would try to work it into conversations all day long... post on here how many times you used it... winner gets a shout out in my blog... boom, instant fame.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


So I found this online radio called Pandora, and I think you all should check it out. It is actually a radio station designed for your taste... you enter in a couple things like your birthday and  one artist you like, and it builds you a station. I want mine to be called 99.5 the pterodactyl. Because a flying dinosaur could dominate a wolf.

While I'm listening, I have figured out what makes this radio different-- kind of a peculiar emptiness, but it doesn't seem like anything good is missing. Then I figured it out: there are no DJs, no commercials, no multi-stacked, crazy-harmonied radio jingles, no compressed explosion sounds at the end of each song, and most of all, no truck ads.
Have you ever noticed how often one of those comes on?
Maybe it's because I always have it on a country station, but still, how many trucks do they think I'm going to buy? Oh good, this truck has free insurance with purchase of insurance. Now I can check that off my list.
Not to mention they're super hard to understand. What if all commercials were like that?
"Bbbbbbuy our NEW NEW NEW Bbbbetty Crcrcrcrockker PAN...CAKE... PPPPUFFER!" 
I mean, I don't know why they're selling those anyway.
Pancakes are naturally flat.
If I wanted a  cake puff, I would buy some kind of product that cooks puffball pancakes. Oh wait, it all makes sense to me now. 

Another thing that struck me about DJs is that they are actually a lot like bloggers. They constantly think of and produce long streams of words or commentaries on things that have nothing to do with anything important. Well that's about to change. My blog will now start to talk about only things of the utmost importance.
Here we go...


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shy Bloom

A bud of green
Dull and round, slumbers with the dying wind
That carries a fading tune embedded in a whisper of cold. 
The wind lies still, encouraging the bud
Anticipation wells up inside
Long-distilled water trickles forth
And surrounding grass tickles a lone leaf.
In a rush, excitement, urgency, need, crave, life
Rises at once
The leaves burst from closure
The mouth of the blossom
Sings the warm melody of day
Along with the settling wind
Laughing with a pink petal tongue 
Dancing with a shimmering stem
Awakening the Dawn with a radiant light
A sunrise, or a flower.

written on 5-6-08

word of the day: halcyon   (thanks, wes)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Moon

The moon
Peers in through the window pane
And through the glass
It perches on the pier
In a poised pose
Against the purple night
Before plunging under water
And penetrating the ocean glass
On scale with the sun

written on 5-6-08

So there's a first taste of a poetry blog. Now you can start checking back daily for new posts. I was giving new readers a chance to read the first entry, but now I will just move on. If you haven't read the first post, go back and read it. Because that blog is from a complete different part of my mind... so if you read only one or the other, it's like taking half of my brain away, and that is not very nice. 

Today's word of the day: melody

If you read each blog, you might find that many of the word of the days are in a good number of my poems, because they are my favorite words.

One more thing, if you post comments, I might not be able to reply if you haven't changed your setting to public or whatever. So do that.

Hope you all check back soon...

emmy davis

Monday, July 7, 2008

So I am starting to blog.

I guess that sentence will have to suffice for a set-off to my life as a blogger. I was racking my head for a more well thought out, or I don't know... bigger worded sentence that would take readers by surprise while enticing them to continue reading, all the while grabbing their attention and  making them want to read my blogs everyday, and that would ignite a desire in them so that they might want to blog as well, and we could form a band of spare-time bloggers, make tee shirts, and go around town doing stuff like putting out flyers and planting trees. But I guess that will do. In fact, the latter half of that sentence wouldn't probably ever even work out anyway.

Just to let you know what to expect, probably about half of my blogs will be composed of paragraphs somewhat like the one you read earlier (most of you probably are thinking the words "oh boy" right about now), and about half will be original poetry. Good thing I used the word "original," because now you're impressed, right? 
If the two "about" halves don't add up to a whole, the other two or three percent left over will be for smaller entries, like a thought or a word cluster of some sort.
If the halves do add up to a whole-hundred, the remaining two percent will be used for math lessons.
But how would that be measured, anyway? Sorry, this blog site contains only 98% of complete blogs. So don't expect any more.

Also, at the end of each blog there will be a word of the day.
I like words. I wish I had one of my very own. But my mom won't let me get one.

And so that's pretty close to how my blogs will pan out...

So I hope you all enjoy... and mainly just keep reading... don't worry, they'll get better.

word of the day: swallow

See y'all!